Very recently encountered a rich under boost issue. Really rich. 9's rich. I've been troubleshooting this for the past few weeks and I'm just about completely stumped. Car is sluggish because of how rich its running. Pertinent info: Nistune ECU, no changes to maps since it last ran well No boost leaks whatsoever. Airtight Car runs great at part throttle/idle. No changes from the past. Only once the car is under boost is there an issue. Checks so far: I've verified the maps have not changed from where they were last at. Smelled FPR vacuum lines for fuel, no scent Pulled all plugs looking for cracks/fouling. Don't see any issues, no cracked plugs (has been a problem in the past) TPS is reading correctly in Datascan I have no idea where to go from here. Where else should I be looking? When I pull fuel out of the maps the car immediately pulls harder. It doesn't feel like its missing, its just not making power.